Fur Coat Care Essentials

Whether you bought a used fur coat at a huge discount or a brand new one from a reputable store, you should consider the item as a valuable investment. This means that you should know how to care of your fur coat so it can last through the years without severely depreciating in quality.


Since you won’t be using your fur coats in the summer, you should have them stored properly instead of just stashing them away in your closet until winter. Take it to a dependable furrier company for storage since they have the appropriate facilities and equipment to maintain your fur coats’ good condition.

Home Storage

Certain storage principles do apply to your fur coats during the winter season when they will be in constant use. Don’t put plastic over them as doing so will cause the fur’s skin lining to dry up and rot. Instead, use a loose-fitting fabric cover that’s open at the bottom and hang them on a padded hanger with broad shoulders.

Store your fur coats in areas where little to no light could penetrate them. Light could easily discolor the fur coats’ fibers and cause them to fade. Fur coats should also be kept out of reach of kids as they may think of them as playthings.

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