Storing Pre-owned Fur Coats

Fur coats, whether new or pre-owned, can be a relatively expensive investment. Unlike ordinary garments, they don’t cope very well when stored in ordinary household closets. To protect your investment, it’s always best to surrender your fur coat to a fur storage professional who can store it in a cold, dark, low-humidity fur vault.

In lieu of a proper fur vault, you can opt to store your fur at home, as long as you follow the following guidelines:

  1. Hang your fur coat on a sturdy, broad, padded hanger so that the shoulders retain their shape. Make sure that the hanger’s neck is long enough to keep the fur away from the hanging rod.

  2. Never store fur in a cedar closet or chest. The oils from the wood can harm the fur.

  3. Keep the fur in the coolest (preferably coldest) chest you have at home.

  4. Keep the fur out of the damp and do not store it in a plastic garment bag. Furs need good air circulation to keep from drying out.

  5. Always keep the fur in the dark. Light can damage the fur, causing it to become discolored or, especially if some heat is involved, cause the fur to shed.

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